Pandit Amar Nath

Awards Gallery

Global Achiever Award 2017

Jyotishacharya Amar Nath was honored with the Global Achiever Award in 2017 by the organizer Shankar Lal Guru, secretary, Ak Sharma, President of the 8th Globalisation of Economic & Social Development.

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Jyotish Shiromani Award 2013

Jyotishacharya Amar Nath was honored with the Jyotish Shiromani Award in 2013 by the organizer Mahesh Guru, Pandit Jak Tripathi, President of the 37th Netional Seminar on Individual Achievements & Netional Development.

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Bharat Jyotish Ratna Award 2011

Jyotish Amar Nath was honored with the Bharat Jyotish Ratna Award in 2011 by Dinesh Guru, the organizer, Pandit Yogendra Mahant, President of the 6th International Astrology Conference.

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